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jeudi 29 août 2013

National Charter for industrial take-off by 2015

National Charter for industrial take-off by 2015Create a genuine framework for growth ...
In light of the stakes involved in the economy tends to globalization and rapidly evolving , as evidenced by the transformations defined by the industrial sectors, the National Charter envisages for industrial take-off to build a strong industrial sector and create a genuine framework for growth.
The state has worked and the private sector together to develop this Charter through a contractual program covering the period 2015-2009 . The partners hope , through the formulation of mutual obligations in a single document , in providing the necessary clarity about the future of Moroccan industry for investors. This formula also constitute a contractual guarantee for the proper implementation of the planned measures with ensuring recruit everyone to carry out specific operations , concrete and coordinated within the framework of the budget .Tasks and objectives :Industrial recovery efforts focus on sectors where Morocco has a clear competitive privileges and exploitable ( global professions of Morocco) through development programs .
Lifting of competitive contracting across 4 " workshops horizontal" major , divided into workshops enhance the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises , and workshops to improve the business climate, and workshops, training, and workshops develop poles of industrial new generation " of industrial zones merged "; put the organization of institutional guarantor to ensure effective implementation of programs ; specific targets in the 2015 numbers :
* Create 22,000 direct jobs and the elimination of unemployment ;
* Create wealth through increased GDP by 50 billion dirhams ;
* Create extra volume of exports to 95 billion dirhams ;
* Create additional private investments by 50 billion dirhams.
Means of implementation:
Create an executive body aimed at growth and development investments, and it comes to the Moroccan Agency for Investment Development ; program Cost : AED 12.4 billion over the period 2009-2015 ;

* 34 % of the total cost of customized training and human resources;
* 24 % of the total cost of customized incentives aimed at investors .Governance
Entered into the National Charter for industrial take-off between the state , on the one hand , represented by :

* The Ministry of the Interior ;
* Ministry of Economy and Finance;
* Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ;
* Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Training and Scientific Research ;
* Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training ;
* Ministry of Industry and Trade and New Technologies ;
* Ministry of Foreign Trade ;
* Ministry Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of Economic and General Affairs .
And between the private sector , on the other hand , represented by :
* General Confederation of Morocco;
* Professional assembly of Morocco banks .

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